Register your business with the secretary of state.
Business owners also say, it’s just a small businesses do I really need to register it? My first question is do you want to legally protect yourself. For every person who tells me that their product is so simple they could never get sued I can tell you ten stories of how that is wrong. Registering the business with the state protects your name and limits your individual liability for any dent related to the company. So if you ever do get sued they could go over your personal assets. The fees are all tax deductible and worth the protect they give you.
Can your business operate from the home?
A home based business has to have no impact on the neighborhoods and essentially invisible to the neighborhood. You can advertise from your home based business and traffic to the home must be kept at a minimum. Motor vehicle repair and commercial food preparation is prohibited.
You will need a license.
Home based businesses believe that they do not have to have any licenses. This is simply untrue. You are required to have a Nevada State Business License and a local city license for any city or county that the residence is located in. You will also have to register for a Nevada State Sales and Use Tax Permit. The penalties for failing to properly register your business are high.
Are you in an HOA?
If your home is in an HOA you may have additional requirements enforced by your HOA regulations that may severely limit or hamper your ability to operate a home based business within your community. The HOA fines are steep and could affect your property ownership.
Navigating the requirements for a home based business can be difficult, hire a professional to help you get it straight. If you have any questions regarding this article or would like to discuss licensing protection with one of our attorneys, please call us at (702)448-4962 to set up a free consultation.
Disclaimer: The Premium Law Group provides the information in this web site for informational purposes only. The information does not create an attorney-client relationship constitute legal advice. Please contact our attorneys if you wish to discuss in more detail the contents of this web site.